Project Description

<p style=”text-align: left; padding-left: 90px;”>“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”</p> <p style=”text-align: left; padding-left: 90px;”>~Thomas Edison

</p> Renée Parks, Ph.D. is a HEALologist devoted to the study of the mind-body-soul and space connection that produces results in healing. Her mission is to help women eliminate unnecessary pain and suffering by taking a more holistic approach to personal well-being. She believes that sustainable change comes from the inside out and our surrounding space is the missing link in modern medicine. She helps women to leverage the power of their space to improve their health, happiness and harmony.<!–more–>

She is the Executive Director of the Universal Wellness Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that educates the public on emotional, physical, financial and environmental wellness. Dr. Renée has facilitated the Wellness Makeover Program at the University of Maryland Medical Center, Greenbaum Cancer Center, Center for Image Renewal since 2009. This program empowers women to create a wellness formula that treats the whole person and addresses root causes rather than symptoms.

Dr. Renée is the author of The Four Paths to Ultimate Wellness, an amazing book that reveals the secrets of how to feel fantastic, look more attractive and enjoy more of life’s pleasures. She hosts Ultimate Wellness Tips Blogtalk radio show and writes the Woman to Woman advice column for Womanscope NewsMagazine.

She received her masters and doctoral degrees in Holistic Life Coaching from the University of Sedona, International Metaphysical Ministry and a Feng Shui certification from Hope Karan Gerecht’s Feng Shui Associates Group in Baltimore, Maryland.

A channel for healing, Renée provides Reconnective Healing® and The Reconnection® to help you to facilitate healing and help you to fulfill your purpose for being on the planet. She also helps women to live healthier lifestyles and to clear bad energy zones in their space, which helps to eliminate the root cause of many chronic illnesses like cancer and heart disease.